Tatsuo Shimabuku : 'One Heart Way" Karate
Shimabuku with his first generation : Eiko Kaneshi (seated second from left)
Shorinjiryu & Isshinryu are commonly banded together as are Goju-ryu & Uechi-ryu ( assumed to be A brother/sister Style) , but that is A commonly misconstrued notion; since each style has its own distinctive characteristic.
Shimabuku's adoption of Tate Zuki, instead of Choku (seiken) Zuki, led to A rift with Kinjochin Sako, and his being replaced by Kaneshi Eiko.
Shimabuku's main reasons for switching to A vertical fist (utilized in Chinese Boxing Styles like Wing Chun), was that he perceived that it was more ergonomic and efficient way to punch, and less chance of the thumb being caught on the opponent and thus injured. It is proven advantageous in number of successive punches ( 2 : 3 Ratio )
Shimabuku with his first generation : Eiko Kaneshi (seated second from left)
Shorinjiryu & Isshinryu are commonly banded together as are Goju-ryu & Uechi-ryu ( assumed to be A brother/sister Style) , but that is A commonly misconstrued notion; since each style has its own distinctive characteristic.
Shimabuku's adoption of Tate Zuki, instead of Choku (seiken) Zuki, led to A rift with Kinjochin Sako, and his being replaced by Kaneshi Eiko.
Shimabuku's main reasons for switching to A vertical fist (utilized in Chinese Boxing Styles like Wing Chun), was that he perceived that it was more ergonomic and efficient way to punch, and less chance of the thumb being caught on the opponent and thus injured. It is proven advantageous in number of successive punches ( 2 : 3 Ratio )