Tuesday, August 5, 1997


Go Shin Jitsu Kenpo [ SHORINJIRYU  KARATE ] A Punching Art, is suited for A lifelong practice.
The roots of this fighting system, may be found in the traditions of 'Meng-Hee-Kwan'.
Evasive  tactics and simultaneous strikes (in all fighting ranges) are the trademark of
this style. Shorinjiryu Ryujin Tiijutsu is A living Art , constantly adapting and changing.
Its purpose is : Combat Strategy and Rapid Response to aggression.  As such , it is
not innately geared towards competition.
Shorinjiryu Tiijutsu is A symbiotic balance of External (hard)and Internal (soft) practice.  
Go-no-Tii (young practice) and Mai-no-Tii (aged practice) provide An equilibrium in
teaching and learning , which ensures longevity and dedication in continuous practice.

There are Three Primary Katas  in Shorinjiryu Ryujin Tiijutsu : Naifanchin* (Daipochin,
Koryu); Sanchin* (Trican, Sam Chien, 3 Battles); Sanpabu* (Motobu Ryu Udon Tii)
Shorinjiryu Tiijutsu is A holistic system ; emphasizing cultivation of Psycho-physical
Energy , Dynamic Tension , and Body-science Mechanics.  In addition , auxiliary
longevity Exercises, Resuscitation Techniques and Symmetrical Breathing practices
are incorporated in the Shorinjiryu regimen.
Shorinjiryu Tiijutsu's pragmatism lies in its practice of explosive Muscle-Memory
response and Spontaneous Adaptation to any combat situation.
Spiritual development , adherence to Pugilistic Integrity , and Meditation practice, are
essential traits in the Path of A Shorinji-Do Warrior.