Thursday, October 10, 1991


Tatsuo Shimabuku : 'One Heart Way" Karate

       Shimabuku with his first generation : Eiko Kaneshi (seated second from left)

Shorinjiryu & Isshinryu are commonly banded together as are Goju-ryu & Uechi-ryu ( assumed to be A brother/sister Style) , but that is A commonly  misconstrued notion; since each style has its own distinctive characteristic.

Shimabuku's adoption of Tate Zuki, instead of Choku (seiken) Zuki, led to A rift with Kinjochin Sako, and his being replaced by Kaneshi Eiko.

Shimabuku's main reasons for switching to A vertical fist (utilized in Chinese Boxing Styles like Wing Chun),  was that he perceived that it was more ergonomic and efficient way to punch, and less chance of the thumb being caught on the opponent and thus injured. It is proven advantageous in number of successive punches ( 2 : 3  Ratio )

Wednesday, April 11, 1990

Okinawan Karate : A complete BUJUTSU

Tools & Concepts

 Tuite ~ Tegumi ~ Kyusho & Kiko ~ Chiki (dakentai) Waza

O'Sensei Chojun Miyagi's first meeting with Jigoro Kano took place, on A lay-over in Naha ( Kano was on his way to the Olympic** Acceptance meeting). On the island of Okinawa. Kano witnessed  A display of Ryukyu Tiijutsu, and what he observed surprised him. Miyagi Sensei demonstrated "Ryukyu-Tii" : Kata , Kakie, and A series of throws and control (seizure) techniques, which was quite impressive.  Afterwards, Kano approached Miyagi and asked where he had learned his Jujutsu (Ne-Waza);  Miyagi Sensei replied : it is "To-de" and that it has always been A part of the (Tiijutsu) teachings on Okinawan islands.
** Judo  joined the Olympics Games in 1964

       TiiJUTSU ~ TOUDI-jutsu ~ TEGUMI ***

* Riding Throw                                                               * Sacrifice Throw
* Rear Riding Throw                                                      * Shoulder Throw
* Heaven Throw                                                             * Supine Throw
* Ox Throw                                                                     * Yielding Throw
* Arm Throw                                                                   * Sweeping Throw

*** Morinobu's Book : "Toudi-jutsu- no -Kenkyu"

There are five major components in Okinawan TiiJUTSU

TUITE                      KAKIE**Joint manipulation and compliance, KUZUSHI**

TEGUMI              Grappling, Seizure, Control and Rope Ties & Binding

KYUSHO  & KIKO   "Iron-Body' training, which complements: Vital Points Attack and Selective Anatomical Targeting. The developmental progression in Kiko, helps the understanding and application of Kyuso, and vice-versa (the yin and yang aspects of  Ryukyu Tiijutsu).

 KIKO : Cultivation of vital biological Energy ~ "Daruma Excercizes" : Abdominal Breathing , increase Bone Marrow Density & creation of new blood cells. Increase blood flow to A particular area by utilizing : 'Visualization', direction of 'Attention' (present) : immediate response, and 'Intention' (future) : directed towards areas, perceived (anticipated), to be struck. 

CHIKI (dakentai) Waza  Percussion Striking Combinations and Muscle-Memory Drills. Punching and kicking geared for combat application (not Sport, and inherently dangerous and complex), to quickly neutralize an attacker. In 1905, when the Emperor of Japan took an interest in Okinawan (China-hand) karate, a great deal of its applications were modified or all together eradicated. The goal of the new karate (empty-hand), was to instill discipline, build muscles and make soldiers battle-ready. From this latter philosophy, University and Competition Karate was born.

**    "Push-Hands" (similar to Chi-Sao), feel direction of Energy & develop contact Reflexes, Control  techniques. Find an opening and exploit it. Learn about vulnerabilities of self & opponent.

**   'Off-Balancing'

(tomeru hoko)
          Prevent Conflict

                 If  your Art is  NOT  evolving   .   .
                                                      It is Dying.


Friday, May 16, 1980

Okinawa Karate Legends

                   Ryukyu Teachers & Styles

                                                                  CHOMO   MOTOBU  Shinshii
                                                               NAKAMURA  Shinshii

                                                   Shimabuku  Shinshii

                                                                 NAGAMINE  Shinshii